Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama can't fix it without all of our help.

Why does the election and inauguration of Barack Obama move me so much? Yes, he is the first African American president; but, that's not the reason for my emotions.

For the first time in my life, I feel hope for my country. Obama inspires me, and I'm hopeful he will inspire our country. As individuals, we have become "Me-Centric", very selfish and materialistic. We stopped believing in our government, and that our country was something to be proud of. We need to think about others, and do what's right because it's right - not because it's easy or self promoting.

I believe that only through a significant change in American attitude can this country salvage our future.

If we do nothing, our planet will die from global warming.
If we do nothing, our country's treasure will continue to flow to our enemies as we buy their oil.
If we do nothing, our greedy corporations will continue to control our government and lives.
If we do nothing, our health care system will serve less and less citizens; our schools will fail more children; our middle class will continue to erode; and our hungry will go unfed.
If we do nothing, we do not help stop the genocide, hunger, and disease running rampant in other lands.

Our government can't make these changes. People need to do it, one step at a time. Through volunteering your time and talents. Through giving money to those in need. Through buying American products even if they cost a little more. Through living "green" to limit our dependence on foreign energies. Through being healthier to limit the stress on our health care and financial systems. Through mentoring a child. Through being a better parent. Through living within or below our means.

So, why does this man move me so? I think it's because I see the possibility of a better nation if he can truly inspire us all to change.

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