Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hospital Blues

I've decided that I hate hospitals. Before you chastise me, let me explain...

Every time I come to a hospital, it turns out to be a rainy, gray day. I think I hate hospitals because all you can do is wait.... and wait.... and wait.... and wait. Sickness, death, pain, worry, and waiting surround me. With the exception of the birth of my children, I've had ZERO happy times at a hospital. (And those kids came with a good share of pain too! :)

I've been at the hospital since 10am today. It's now 5:30pm, and I'm still waiting for my mom to get out of recovery. She's here for a surgery that began at Noon. Today's surgeon talked to me three hours ago, and told me my mom would be in recovery for "about an hour". Tick tock tick tock. FINALLY I ask the nursing station... "excuse me, but could you please give me a status on my mom?" And you know what?? They said she's still in recovery because they are waiting for a room to be cleaned up for her. "So, there were no problems that kept her in recovery longer than expected?" I breathe with relief... "No, just waiting for a clean room... I guess we should have told you." NO, REALLY???? I've been waiting for an extra two hours, thinking my mom may not be breathing or some such thing!

Anyway, I am very thankful for the medical care my family has received. Usually the nurses and doctors are wonderful and caring. I'll chalk today up to a busy nursing shift and obliviousness.

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