Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time Flies

Why does time elapse faster the older we get?

As a child, we can't wait to grow up. We want to be a "big kid" and do things for ourselves. I remember being a freshman in high school thinking that four years would NEVER end.

As a young adult, I couldn't wait to graduate college, get that promotion, buy our first house, start a family. It's often a time of "after I do this" some new phase of our life will begin.

As mothers we cherish our children, but encourage them to crawl, walk, sleep through the night, eat solid food, toilet train. We're always pushing them to learn something new, and thus, grow up. Remember how we looked forward to not buying diapers anymore? Or the money we'd save once they went to school and full-time daycare was no longer necessary?

Suddenly, the kids are in their tween stage filled with middle school emotional upheaval. And then they begin pulling away, which is a normal developmental milestone. Although this milestone doesn't seem so much fun.... (a child rolling their eyes at you vs. laughing in joy as they take their first steps.)

As mothers, the children's high school years literally FLY by. Kids become more independent, mature, and become people in your eyes. No longer a kid you need to care for, they are a person you genuinely love and like to be around. Many parents and children become actual friends. And then... they're off to college or independent living. You look back at the photos and feel like it "was only yesterday" when your child was a toddler.

I often wonder if time will slow down now that my children are grown. When I look at elderly people, many act as if time crawls for them. (Have you been to a nursing home lately?) However, I spent yesterday with a few 60 y/o retirees. They had been retired for several years, but still feel like time is zipping by. It made me think that time flies by if you don't consciously SLOW DOWN to enjoy the journey.

If I could do it all again, I wouldn't worry about cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, or getting the kids to bed on time. I'd languish in the smiles, laughter, tears, and conversation of each relationship (parent, child, friend, spouse). I need to remind myself of that going forward, so as to not waste a single day on unimportant stuff.

I thoroughly enjoy every one of my children. It's heartwarming to see them go off into the world and become their own independent person. But I still can't help be amazed at how fast the time has gone, because it still seems like just yesterday they were oh so young!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hmm. I don't know how this will be for me. Time seems slow now.