Monday, August 25, 2008

Angry and frustrated

Why can't people just do their jobs? Why do adult men need to be babysat and nagged to do what they are paid to do?? (I'm not being sexist. I only have male employees at the moment.)

Sales people are paid to SELL. Sell anything, I don't care what! But don't tell me at the beginning of the month that you will sell $50,000 of monthly contracts and only show up at month end with $4,000. That's crap. And it's double crap when I ask what is pending for sale, and the entire team is SILENT. Why do you think you should still have a job?? Really, why shouldn't I just fire your collective asses??


Toad said...

Man, sometimes it is good to be on the road! I feel your pain, but do you really want someone from your company to read this exactly as written?

It made me feel for you and laugh a little too.


Fern608 said...

My real name is not on this blog, nor is the name of my company, so my employees won't read this. Hmmm... maybe I SHOULD list it and spam it out across the Internet. It may light a fire under their butts, so I don't have to fire their collective asses.