Saturday, July 26, 2008

Quest for a healthy lifestyle

I need to lead a healthier lifestyle.
I need to eat better and workout on a regular basis -- not just for weight control, but for overall good health.
The two hurdles are that I just don't enjoy exercise. At all. And I love food. I mean food is one of life's greatest joys. I love it that much.

I have oodles of excuses for not doing it. Everyone does. But no more excuses for me!

Today, I begin documenting my progress. It will cause me to be accountable to myself if I write it down.

My goals:
1. Work out 30-60 minutes at least three times each week.
2. No more eating doughnuts. (The hotel we're staying at has a small breakfast buffet, with doughnuts.)
3. Eat a minimum of three servings of fruit or veggies every day.
4. Three days each week without red meat.

My goals aren't huge... I'm purposely setting small goals on my eating, because that will be the hardest for me to change. After 4 weeks, I hope to set higher ones.

(BTW, I rode over 12 miles on the stationary bike yesterday.... I've begun! :)

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