Tuesday, June 3, 2008

McCain the Copy-Cat

What the F%@K?? Does McCain have one iota of originality??

Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been using the slogan "Change We Can Believe In" since he launched his bid. His rallies began and still use a chant of "Yes We Can". These basic slogans never changed based upon the fleeting public opinion or sound bite media coverage.

Hillary Clinton used slogans of "Hillary Clinton for President", then "Ready on Day One", and finally "Solutions for America". Her rallies even changed their chanting to "Yes She Will".

Then there is good 'ol John McCain, launching his campaign with the slogan of "Time for a Real Hero", which was quickly changed to "Ready From Day One" due to anti-war sentiment. Now, he had the audacity to break out a new mantra of "A Leader We Can Believe In". He's jumped onto the "change" bandwagon and is claiming to be the REAL candidate of change... the right change, not the wrong change. WTF?? I guess he has proven he can change one word of an opponent's slogan and call it his own.

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